141 N. 7th Street, Allentown – 484.860.3286
Piercing and tattoo aftercare
Thank you for getting your tattoo or piercing at All Inklusive Tattoo! Provided below will be your aftercare instructions. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at 484-860-3286.
Tattoo Aftercare
-if bandages, remove within 2-3 days. Saniderm can stay on for a minimum of 24 hours.
-wash with antibacterial soap (DIAL), clean off by pat drying the tattoo.
-apply Aquaphor or A&D ointment, never use VASELINE.
-repeat the wash and ointment process 3-4 times a day for 4 days.
-On day 5 switch to using unscented lotion.
- avoid swimming in lakes, pools ,rivers jacuzzi's, and the beach. the ink will be damaged.
-no scratching or picking.
- follow up with your artist after 2 weeks if a touch up is needed, or for inspection of a healed piece
General piercing aftercare and Oral piercing aftercare
-Wash it 3X a day with antibacterial soap
and waler
Rinse well.
2X a day soak with sea-salt solution (NeilMed), for 5-10 min each soak.
-Never touch your piercing without washing your hands first.
-Do not use alcohol, peroxide, or iodine.
'The less you agitate it the better, dont spin it.
Mouth/Oral/Moul/Piercing, Altercare.
Any time you eat, drink, or smoke anything other than water
rinse with a solution of half listerine half bottled water.
Alternatively you can rinse your mouth with
an oral saline solution, available drug stores nationwide.
Spanish Tattoo Aftercare
~ Si tiene vendaje, retire en menos de una hora
~ Lavar con jabón antibacterial (dial) con mono abierta, y sacar el tatuaje con toquesitos.
~ Aplique una capa fina de Aquaphor o A&D
~ Repita el proceso 4-5 veces al día por 4 días.
~ En el quinto día comienza el uso de locion (Lubriderm o Eucerin)
~Evite nedor en todo lo que sea agua, (logos, piscinas, ríos, jacuzzi)
~No risqué ni pique el tatuaje.
Cuidado De Piercing aftercare
Lavar 3x al dia con agua jabon antibacterial.
Enjuage por 2 minutos.
2x al dia empape el piercing en la solucion de sea-salt (NeilMed), por 5-10 min cada empape
Nunca te toques el la pantalla sin lavarte las manos
No use of alcohol, peroxide, lodine.
no lo ajites ni le de vuelta.
Boca/Oral/ Piercing aftercare
Cada vez que comas, bebas, o fumes algo que no sea agua, lavate la boca con una solución de mitad
botella de agua y mitad listerine.
- O puedes enjuagarte la boca con una solución oral de saline. disponible en cualquier farmacia